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Other Publications

Hamburger Schriften zum Medien-, Urheber- und Telekommunikationsrecht [Hamburg Papers on Media, Copyright and Telecommunications Law]

The Series Hamburger Schriften zum Medien-, Urheber- und Telekommunikationsrecht [Hamburg Papers on Media, Copyright and Telecommunications Law], edited by Dr. Wolfgang Schulz, is published by Nomos-Verlag, Baden-Baden.

Monitoring-Berichte "Aufwachsen mit digitalen Medien" [Monitoring Reports of "Growing Up with Digital Media"]

Aufwachsen mit digitalen Medien – Monitoring aktueller Entwicklungen in den Bereichen Medienerziehung und Jugendschutz [Growing Up with Digital Media – Monitoring Current Developments in the Areas of Media Education and Youth Protection]: As commissioned by the Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) [Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)], the Hans-Bredow-Institut carried out the project Youth Media Protection and Media Education in Digital Media Environments from the end of 2013 until mid-2015. One part of the investigation was the monitoring of current developments of services and use of children and adolescents along with the regulatory developments in the EU. The findings are published in semi-annual reports and can be downloaded as pdf-files (in German only).

Internationales Handbuch Medien [International Media Handbook]

The Internationales Handbuch Medien [International Media Handbook] was published since 1950 with its last edition in 2009. The handbook offers compact information on the legal and organisational foundations in the areas of print, broadcasting and online media, the most important actors, programming services, and the development trends in the European countries and many countries worldwide. The international handbook should be continued as an online-platform; the date is not yet known.


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